Even this fellow was amazed at the day's events. To explain all, I would need at least one episode of
Emmerdale or perhaps a sequence, planned for a holiday special or something to boost the ratings!!! Either way, I live my life and those around me theirs, in an extraordinary and uncompromising way. I promise you, I do not exaggerate. This is the stuff of mini-series, sagas and better produced BBC productions.
For some time now, I have been teasing out the waxed string of the bow which holds the notes
Northumberland and specifically the North Tyne Valley; and I'm fast reaching the conclusion that the bow needs to strike, draw sound and launch the aural assault which this place spits out in all it's forms.
This was a week when we drew breath before stepping over the threshold of the local Pub. In true North Tyne valley fashion, things were understated in terms of reaction to what is in my opinion, the outrage of is this latest episode of Foot and Mouth Disease.
I say they did not react, that is to say there was no revelation of their true and innermost feelings regarding this latest debacle of the so called management of Britain's farming. Such is the stoicism and long spine of these men and women, who hold their heads above water no matter what.
At last however the sun seems to shine over this beautiful valley and finally silage can be completed and all other tasks of the summer put to bed. Under normal circumstances we would all be looking forward to the famous Falstone Show, with Cattle, Sheep and all manner of other beasts, such as drunken young men wavering on slippy posts, bashing each other with pillows.
Not to mention the children in sack races, egg and spoon, all age groups all categories. Tents with smart tomatoes and chocolate cake with a theme! What about photos...every special shot of children much loved, by parents all interested, and polite comments from Aunties and long distant relatives just making the
What a place, what a time in our lives. To be cherished forever with eyes wide open and quiet thoughts shut eye, what a time at
Falstone Farm.

Experience the luxury of your own pamper break at
Falstone Barns.